“I was told you could handle things discreetly.” n3m0 was already getting annoyed at the callers distorted voice. He considered making his voice silly himself but decided against it, this was after all a business call.
“That’s what I do best”, at least when it suits me, n3m0 chuckled to himself.
“So who are you anyway?”
“I was told you didn’t ask questions,” the voice sounded like when you play a record at too slow speed.
“Fair enough I guess. Can I ask you what you want me to do?”
“But of course, I want you to find me a web hotel”
What the fuck? n3m0 looked up at his editor window, his notes of the conversation so far consisted of a single word; Mental.
“Have you heard of a little something called Google?” n3m0 asked.
“Well yes but I haven’t found anything suitable.”
“A bit picky are we, I get,” n3m0 did a quick search “300 million hits, did you check them all?”
“Maybe not the whole lot, but I’ve checked a good few. Unfortunately most of them don’t quite meet my needs.”
He want’s me to go power surfing? n3m0 started to wonder why the caller was distorting his voice. “What’s wrong with the ones you’ve been looking at?”
“I’m having trouble with their Terms of Service documents”.
Is this guy for real? “I never read those.”
“Yes but that could lead to trouble down the road.” The strange voice finally struck home. n3m0 had worn a black hat to work before and this guy sure as hell wasn’t looking for a web hotel.
“You want me to find a web hotel that doesn’t know it’s a web hotel.”
“Now we’re on the same page,” the caller seemed amused.
You could have just told me, n3m0 thought. He had a pretty clear picture of what the caller wanted and wrote down some more notes in his editor, though he kept the word ‘mental’ there.
“Would you mind telling me what part of the ToS that didn’t agree with you?”
“Some of the material I’m putting up could be considered illegal”
[tags]security, stories[/tags]
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