n3m0 had the victims lined up, from about 20 companies he was about to single out the “lucky one”. Some of them had their websites at web hotels so they were more or less useless. The administrators of the web hotels would probably notice if some extra 15 Gb appeared on their servers and the customers would have a quota limit of much less than that.
n3m0 was looking for a website hosted in-house by its owners. After a lot of interruptions, some more noodles, searches through whois records and dns queries n3m0 was down to six targets.
The next step was to test the Internet connections of the companies. In the end he settled for one company and had two others as backup if things didn’t go as planned.
Regal-Pens were a company selling fine pencils, pens, ink bottles and other writing tools. n3m0 couldn’t remember when he had used a pencil the last time (not counting the ones in Gimp), he didn’t even know if he had an ordinary pen anymore. Why would anyone want to use those? n3m0 did a search on his hard drive after an mp3 with the Flintstone’s theme, he didn’t find one. The urge to fire up a torrent client was overwhelming but n3m0 managed to stay focused at the task at hand.
With the mark set it was time to set up a test environment. Instead of downloading music he started up VMware Server and began to install a Windows Server guest. While the unattended installation proceeded, n3m0 started to look for a suitable asp script that he could use; ages ago he had written a file called n3m0-was-here.asp. He grabbed the file but renamed it nomad.asp. The script basically downloaded and ran netcat.
n3m0 jumped high in his chair as the alarm clock came alive. It showed 6:45 AM.
Shit, not again. Not for the first time n3m0 had been up all night, it was time to go to his real job. For the last 16 months n3m0 had been employed as a member of a help desk department. The salary was barely enough to live on and the job was painfully boring but the plan had never been to stay on the help desk crew.
n3m0 smelled his arm pit. Oh, bad bad bad, he pulled his nose away in disgust. He grabbed an usb stick and copied the asp script to it. Then he headed for the shower.
There wasn’t any breakfast to speak of in his apartment and he seemed to be out of toothpaste. Looking in the mirror before walking out he saw an exhausted young man staring back at him. It was going to be a long day.
[tags]security, stories, fiction[/tags]
n3tw0rk says
I really like you’re writing style. This flows just like a story in one of the “Stealing the Network” series. Awesome work.
Patrick Ogenstad says
Reading the “Stealing the Network” series (and SecurityMonkey / Chief at http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/security/investigator/) is what’s inspired me to start writing, so that’s very nice to hear 🙂 I haven’t read the Identity book yet but I’ll get it soon.