The startup company midfr0st had worked for declared bankruptcy when the stock market crashed. Instead of searching for a new job, midfr0st had entered the hacking business and was now breaking into companies for money. Business was going very well, it had in fact made him rich. Compared to his former financial status he would say it had made him very rich. midfr0st was however facing a little dilemma. All the money he had earned didn’t belong to him, instead it belonged to a few online “identities” he had created or bought.
Up to a certain amount, spending money wasn’t a problem, but he was getting more careful and the thought of getting caught didn’t really appeal to him. His biggest problem was that his real identity didn’t have a job and should have been broke.
midfr0st was still thinking about a long term solution to the problem, the life he pictured for himself was a lot more luxurious that living in a small apartment as he did now.
The short term plan was to make his legal assets grow without causing anyone to get suspicious. The best candidate for the job was the stock market, but although midfr0st was interested in shares and bonds he didn’t feel he had time. midfr0st had found an institute offering private banking services. He had been piling up his legal asset but was still about $35 000 short of the $300 000 needed to open up the account he wanted.
Although he had the money elsewhere he couldn’t just transfer it since that kind of trail was exactly what he wanted to avoid. Aside from the money he had on his bank the only other asset to speak of were some stocks in a company he had bought back in ’99. The company, Meriabeck Technologies, hadn’t quite shared the fate of the crashed company midfr0st had worked at, but close enough. It didn’t matter.
midfr0st had invested in Meriabeck after a recommendation from a friend, at first the stocks had soared, before they hit rock bottom. During the years to come midfr0st had more or less forgotten about them, so when he finally checked them he was happy to see that they had in fact increased a lot in value and were now worth 13% more than what he had originally paid for them. Unfortunately he still didn’t have enough money for the private banking account.
Another 16%, midfr0st thought. If he could just increase the value of the stocks he would be set to go. A plan was forming in his mind.
[tags]security, stories, fiction, stock market[/tags]
[…] you read any of my stories, sorry for not being so active on that front, you might remember A Stock Bubble of His Own which I wrote last […]