“Simon isn’t here,” Thomas informed them, “he’s at the dentist this morning.”
“The dentist” Mark was clearly disappointed, “so when will he be back?”
Thomas checked the Outlook calendar. “He’s coming after lunch.”
“Can you stay until then?” Mark asked Jennifer.
“Sure, that’s no problem.”
“Okay, great,” he turned to his staff. “We’ll be back after lunch. Make sure everyone, including Simon, are here.”
Whey they left, the cubicle farm came alive with chatter. n3m0 never spoke much during these types of events, instead he tried to listen and make sense of the information.
It turned out that no one had a clue that Mark and Jennifer had been sitting in meetings. n3m0 sighed, well isn’t that bloody strange, we never know what that guy is up to.
“She kind of remind me of someone famous.” n3m0 didn’t hear who said it but knew it was Thomas.
“Yeah, doesn’t she?” Jack agreed.
Is this really relevant? n3m0 shook his head.
“I think she might have appeared in a movie,” Thomas continued “but I’m not positive.”
“You know what, someone should Google her ass.” Jack laughed.
n3m0 had had enough, trying his best to sound like a fairy princess he said, “yes why don’t we Google her fine ass, lets just hope no one else is called Jennifer. Hell with such a pretty face she might have a page rank of nine.”
“We never got her last name, did we?” Thomas sounded disappointed.
However stupid n3m0 thought it was at first, it gave him an idea. He opened up Firefox and typed, [Ctrl]+K, Beateval Services, [Enter]. The Google results presented him with Beateval’s home page.
He found a picture of Jennifer among the executives. Her full name was Jennifer Hartpence. The thought of sharing the information with the others never crossed n3m0’s mind, he didn’t see how he could profit by telling his coworkers. n3m0 liked the term “need to know basis”, as long as it didn’t apply to him.
He clicked on the about link which described the company. When he was done he continued to read about their services, their customers, their news archive. He went back to the search page and checked the other results for Beateval.
All in all he did not like his findings.
[tags]security, stories, fiction, insider threat[/tags]
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