I got an email from a user asking if I could change fonts in SYDI. My answer to him was; you change them.
There are two ways of doing this in SYDI both of them are easy.
The first way is to edit the script source. Open up SYDI-Server.vbs in a text editor and scroll down a bit to this section;
strFontBodyText = “Arial”
strFontHeading1 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontHeading2 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontHeading3 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontHeading4 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontTitle = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontTOC1 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontTOC2 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontTOC3 = “Trebuchet MS”
strFontHeader = “Arial”
strFontFooter = “Arial”
Just change the font names to what you want. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty by touching the code there is a fancier way of doing this too.
If you’ve used the help menu, cscript.exe sydi-server.vbs –h, you might have seen the –T option. What the Template (-T) option does is that it uses a Word Template file .dot and uses the settings from that file when writing the report for SYDI. The .dot file you choose to use can be one of your company’s template files or you can create a template just for SYDI.
To get started, run SYDI against your machine to create a word document. When the report is created, go to the Format drop down and choose “Styles and Formatting”. I’m using an English version of Word 2003 but it should be similar in other versions. From the Styles and Formatting section, change show to “Formatting in Use”. Now you can see the different formats used in the report.
Create a new word document, go the Styles and Formatting section, show “All Styles” and scroll down to Body Text, right click and select Modify, change the font to the one you want. I’ll just change the Body Text now but you can change all the ones found in “Formatting in Use” from the SYDI report.
Choose File, Save As. Change the Save as Type to “Document Template (*.dot)” and save the file as C:\SYDI\template.dot (or to your favorite directory).
To test your new template:
Cscript.exe sydi-server.vbs –TC:\sydi\template.dot
Hint: If you save the template in its default location you don’t need to specify the path when using –T.
If you’re having trouble implementing this or anything else related to SYDI, don’t hesitate to contact me.
[tags]sydi, network documentation, system administration, software, inventory[/tags]